Here are the facts:
- ALL small scale food processors can struggle trying to compete against corporate giants.
- Women entrepreneurs feel these struggles more deeply; women are more likely to struggle with accessing funding and being taken seriously.
- The goal of the SSFPA Women’s Initiative is to: Provide women with the resources and advocacy to start and scale their businesses and create systems change through federal policy to benefit all small scale food processors.
The Small Scale Food Processor Association seeks to support women food processors through research, education, and resources. Supported by Women and Gender Equality Canada Women’s Program, the SSFPA has been working to uncover the issues within the food processing industry that affect women entrepreneurs more deeply. The SSFPA’s work on the Women’s Initiative is multifaceted; it includes policy research that details support needed to strengthen Canada’s regional food system, resources tailored towards women entrepreneurs, stories from women entrepreneurs that demonstrate their creativity and strength, and blogs and newsletters that capture the latest trends and SSFPA news.
What’s New
- Venture-Capital Ready: Investment Training for Women Entrepreneurs is live! This is an exciting new training program to provide investment training to help women fund and scale their food businesses. The press release is available in English and French. Access the media kit here. Check out the Venture-Capital Ready website for more details and to apply.
- Read the latest Innovation Stories post featuring Sharon Ryper and Aunty Penny’s Gourmet Specialties

Quick Links
- Policy Research: SSPFA policy research aimed at bolstering regional value chains to support value-added food prodction by Canadian food processors.
- Business Readiness: Content that covers starting and scaling a business.
- News: Subscribe to the SSFPA’s monthly newsletter, Table Talks!
- Webinars: All of SSFPA’s webinars.
- Resources: Programs and funding specifically aimed at women/intersectional entrepreneurs.
- Contact us: Say hello!